Dubai Mainland is famous for its business friendly infrastructure and facilities. Dubai mainland company registration is still the first preference by most of the organizations when establishing their business in Dubai. Mainland Company is a legal entity that can operate inside and outside the country without any restriction.

The main benefits of establishing a mainland company include :

According to company law, a mainland company requires a local partner or a local service agent. Scholars Business Solution is eligible to provide validated local sponsors with established contacts in the market.

Note – Some business activities require special licensing approvals by different government departments.

License Authority for MainLand Company Formation

The Department of Economic Development (DED) is a business hub under the jurisdiction of the government of Dubai, UAE. DED is responsible for business setup in Dubai mainland, business registration & mainland license as well as commercial compliance & consumer protection in the Emirate of Dubai.

Types of the licenses in MainLand:

MainLand Company Formation Steps:

There are 6 main steps involved in Dubai mainland company setup. However, there are some activities which Mainland setup requires special approval from some specific Government departments. The main 6 steps involved for company formation in mainland are :

Our professional consultants is provide support to our clients to select the most appropriate decision in business setup and guide them through complete procedures of Dubai Mainland company formation and Dubai Economic Department company registration. Contact Scholars Business Solution UAE for Dubai mainland business setup for more details, send your query.